Connections create community
May 23, 2023
At Auburn, our motto LEARN from our past, CONNECT with the present and CREATE our future underpins the way we work – in all curriculum areas, and the way we engage with each other as a school community.
Our weekly Connect Program is an example of this.
Each week, students participate in a Connect activity with a range of students from across year levels to develop a key personal and social skills (such as problem solving, developing and maintaining respectful relationships, contributing to a community of learners) whilst demonstrating our school values.
Activities that the students can choose from to participate in have included a range of technology and design based activities (Coding, Video Gaming, Lego Masters, Rube Goldberg Machines), sports and other physical activities (soccer, football, tennis, downball, basketball, netball, dance, minor games, Ninja Warriors), and creativity and craft activities (origami, knitting, puppet making, drawing) to name a few!
Students choose from a range of activities across the year, providing the opportunity to build connections with students and staff across the school.
Connect, alongside our multiage classes and buddy program, strengthen every student’s sense of connection to the school community, and gives them opportunity to build friendships and learning partners in year levels other than their own. It also aims to give students a range of trusted adults across the school that they can work with and be supported by.